
My Logos

Draw A Door bubble logo
The Draw A Door® logo is an opening door in a cartoon speech bubble.

It was designed by Think Dapper to represent how conversations - specific, guided conversations - can open new doors of possibility.

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I love this piece of art.

Jon Marro and for me represents that any seed, any idea, can grow in any environment.

To me, it says if you have an idea, tend it, water it, nurture it and work towards it's fulfillment you can achieve success.

I agree with Napoleon Hill: "Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve."

You can count on me to be a "YES!" “Yes you can” and “yes we can”.

We will celebrate our unique talents and gifts and channel them towards making a difference to fulfill our spiritual and created purposes.

I am a champion to empower dreamers to unleash their creative and entrepreneurial spirit to enrich their lives with passion, freedom, and joy.